  • 会员等级
  • 会员名称:游客
  • 会员等级:游客
  • Hi
  • 2021/10/20 21:33:15
  • 回复(1次)
  • 您认为该商品的优点是,Hi I have a question, i see a lot of products in a shop that you also sell in your site, But there products are 57% cheaper, i have made a screenshot of the item, so you can see for your self. https://screenshot-product.photo/986345. Well my question is what is the difference between your store. Is it the quality or something else, i hope you can help me! Regards Jerald Bingaman "Sent from my iPhone"
    您认为该商品的不足是:Hello I have a question, i see a lot of items on this site that you also sell in your site, But there products are 49% cheaper, i have made a screenshot of the product, so you can see for your self. https://screenshot-product.photo/5766. Well my question is what is the difference between your store. Is it the quality or something else, I hope you can answer my question. Regards Jerald Bingaman "Sent from my iPhone"
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